Do you own a livestock operation in Colorado? If so, you could be a supplier for one of our biogas projects. We will accept feedlot scraped manure, dairy scrape or separator solids, food waste, paunch and more.
How does it work?
You contract with us to supply a minimum amount per month. Once you are ready to clean out an area or pen schedule a delivery of a Bio1 module. This 25 cu yard container will be delivered to your site and can be filled up by a front loader. You do not need to clean, dry, or prescreen the load. Small amounts of sand, rocks, plastic debris are acceptable. As soon as the module is filled you notify us and we schedule a pickup. For feedlots, we can coordinate collection of large volumes of material along with your scrape schedule. With our service manure does not accumulate on site and you can mitigate nutrient runoff and odor issues from your operation. If you are within 20 miles of one of our biogas sites there is no charge for pickup. Small fees will apply for larger distances.
Here is how much we can accept at one of our planned projects sites (TPD=tons per day).
Platteville, CO - 180 TPD (summer 2017)
Ault, CO - 80 TPD (2018)
Ft Morgan, CO - 120 TPD (2018)